To go to the ‘Employees’ screen, select the Employees (1) option from the main menu.
Screen elements:
Filters (2) – to select employees marked by the user as “Active”, and employees with expired certificates for First Aid or CPR.
Reports buttons (3) – to generate reports about employees.
Import button (4) – to import employees’ data from the CSV file.
Table of data (5) – employees list with clickable lines for employees’ records access.
Column names (6) – used for sorting. Clicking on a column heading sequentially activates forward and reverse sorting or deactivates sorting the employee list by this column. Arrow (7) shows column and sort direction.
The search field (8) – use this field to search for an employee on the list. As you type, only selected employees matching your search criteria will be displayed.
Search is possible on any fragment of any data field about the employee. For example, you can dial part of the first name or last name, part of the city where the employee lives, or part of her/his ADP number.
Choose (9) how many employees you want to see on the page at a time. You may need to scroll down the page. You can see (10) which lines are displayed on the page and go between pages (11).
To add a new employee, click (12). To edit employee data in the list, click on the row in which the employee record appears in the table (5).