

How to prepare employees' data file?

If you intend to upload employees’ data into RSAkit, prepare a data table following the next requirements.

  • Anyone row of the table includes data of one employee.
  • The first row contains the column names. The following column names should be used for the employee’s data:
Column nameData FormatColumn Content
adpFileTextADP File number
nameTextFirst name
lastNameTextLast name
birthdayDate M/D/YYYYDate of birth
dateOfHireDate M/D/YYYYDate of Hire
phoneTextPhone number
cellTextAnother phone number
address1TextAddress 1
address2TextAddress 2
firstAidExpDate M/D/YYYYFirst Aid certificate expiration date
cprExpDate M/D/YYYYCPR certificate expiration date
regRateNumber Х.ХRegular rate
  • Not all columns are required. The file will be loaded if it has at least “adpFile” column OR the columns “name” and “lastName“.
  • You could upload the data for an employee who has already been in the database. Not blank values from employee’s data will be uploaded and replace the old one. The empty cells of the table will NOT be uploaded as blank values.
  • The order of the columns in the table does not matter.

The number of claims will be added and updated is displayed. If the uploading of this file will create new clients or employees, click on the arrow (6) to see details. This is important because you could have made a mistake in the names when inputting clients and employees earlier. If this is the case, return to the ‘Employee‘ or ‘Clients’ page and correct the mistake, then try to load the ISAS file again. Otherwise, you will have two employees (clients) in RSAkit for one person. Finally, click on the ‘Start upload’ button (7).

The start of the upload is indicated by the ‘green’ message (8). Now the task of uploading your file is placed in the queue. You can see the task status (9) on the list. The download duration depends on the number of downloads launched by your colleagues and other users of the application. While the task is being processed, you can continue to work in the RSAkit.

Use this template. Finally, save your data table as a CSV UTF-8 file. See also: How to upload the employees’ data from a file?

How to avoid data loss?

When uploading the file, RSAkit processes the data row by row (employee by employee). For each row, it checks if the record for the employee already exists in the database or not. If the employee record exists, the data from the table replaces the data in the system. If the employee record does not exist, RSAkit attempt to create a new record.

Let’s see how it works step by step.

If the file includes the “adpFile” column and the employee has a number in this column, then it doesn’t matter what value is in the columns “name” and “lastName” and whether these columns exist in the file. The system looks for a record with this number in the database. If the record exists, RSAkit considers it to be the record of the same employee. The data in the database will be replaced by a new one (from the file).

Therefore, you can upload the employee’s data by “adpFile” number, without including the columns “name” and “lastName” in the file at all.

If a record with such an “adpFile” number is not found, a new record will be created. Note! In this case, RSAkit doesn’t try to search a record for the employee by “name” or “lastName” (whatever such columns exist in the file or not).

If the file doesn’t include the “adpFile” column or the employee has not a number in this column, RSAkit tries to take the “name” and “lastName” for the employee (if there are such columns in the file) and then looks for a record with this name. RSAkit makes the comparison in the upper case, to reduce errors for special cases of spelling of the name.

If the record is not found, a new record will be created.

Note. In both cases, a new record will be created only if the file contains the “name” and “lastName” data for the employee. It’s impossible to create a new employee’s record without “name” and “lastName” data by an “adpFile” number only. Vice versa, if there is no “adpFile” number for the employee in the file (there is no column or the cell is blank), but there are “name” and “lastName” data, and existing record not found for this name, then a new record will be created.

The following shows when a record for a new employee will be created:

adpFilenamelastNameThe new record is possible