

RSAkit main screen

Most of the user actions inside RSAkit are performed through interfaces based on the Main screen.
The Main screen contains five zones:

  1. Navbar
  2. Subbar
  3. Toolbar
  4. Header
  5. Content

Navbar (1) includes the main menu 6 for navigating the sections. There is a button (7) at the top to switch the Navbar to compact mode. This is useful for pages with large data tables.
Subbar (2) contains the tools (8) for managing the content of the current section – filters, selectors. Also, there are buttons 9 for generating reports, and buttons (10) for uploading and downloading section data.
Toolbar (3) includes a user-customizable menu (11) for quick access to the sections, and a link (12) to a user profile, and application exit.
Header (4) contains the name of the current section (13) and the elements (14) for content control depending on the section – for example, a search field, navigation buttons, etc.
The Content field (5) contains the content of the current section with which the user is working.
Depending on the section, the screen may include additional floating elements, for example, a button (15) to add content.

When RSAkit is used on a mobile device, the elements of the main screen are the same. However, Navbar and Subbar are hidden when one is working with section content. To call them, use buttons (1) and (2) in the Toolbar and Header.